Rolex Giveaway

Rolex Giveaway

Rollie Giveaway

Oct 1st - 7th /

It ain't no fun if the homies can't have none, so we've teamed up with Texas Loot to give away a Rolex. Every $10 spent will be an entry into the drawing. We have everything from shirts to A2 uppers and even a limited supply of "Special Cigar Vaults". Everything will be a PreOrder. Treat yourself and maybe you will end up flexing with a brand new Rollie.

The Special Cigar Vaults will not only give you the most entries to the Rolex but will also give you one entry into a separate drawing for a 55 liter LV duffel bag. One person could be walking away with both Duffel and Rollie. Test your luck.

The Cigar Vault is not necessarily priced to reflect the case but rather to give the opportunity to get the most entries and get something extremely limited and badass in return. These Vaults will also be up for PreOrder but limited and capped. You will be given the option to choose with or without a patch spot on the top the Vault.

Product Details

  • Tees $35
  • Hoodies $70
  • Hats $30
  • Sticker Pack $20
  • Zippos $60
  • Ash trays $120
  • A2 Bolt upper $190 (stripped)
  • "Special" Bolt patch $70
  • "Special" Cigar Vault $1,000 {100 Entries to Rolex} {1 Entry to LV Duffel}
  • Some items not pictured*

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